Nanbu Senbei
Gifts from
the Mountains -
Gifts from
the Sea -
Soft Drinks
Sweets &
Ice Cream -
Other Foods
Gifts from the Sea
Large ocean-fresh mackerel are caught in the cold waters offshore from Hachinohe and have a high crude fat content due to the frigid temperatures in which they swim. Among these fish are Hachinohe Mae-oki Mackerel, a certified brand from Hachinohe Port that is caught off the coast north of Sanriku during a certain period from autumn onward. These fish are widely publicized as what market sources praise as the “fattiest mackerel in Japan.”
The coast of Hachinohe is also home to sea urchin and abalone, which led to the birth of Ichigoni, a luxurious soup made by boiling urchin and abalone, as hearty beach fare for the fishers. Its name means ‘strawberry soup’ and may be influenced by the fact that the urchin in the milky white broth in the bowl look like wild strawberries through the morning fog. The scent of the ocean spreads throughout your mouth when you taste it.
Nowadays, besides being served cooked as a high-quality clear broth, the canned products are also popular as gifts to be eaten in delicious takikomi gohan (mixed rice).
*The products shown are examples.
Please note that some may not be available depending on the timing of your visit.

Canned Mackerel (Kongou)


(De Mer)

(Takewa Suisan)


(Hachinohe Hama Relation Project)